Skills That Could Boost Your NET Developer Career

Even the .NET core projects are outsourced to experienced developers and startups. Finally, in a nutshell, we can say that .net developers are highly demanded. And their skills must be known in advance to get the best results from their knowledge and skill set. One must not overlook the theoretical knowledge as well as the technical skills of valued .NET professionals .NET developers create innovative and secure web applications easily.

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This leads me to the second top .NET developer skill, which is problem solving. Great problem solving skills help a developer to overcome problems while developing and create elegant solutions. Many developers can come up with a solution to a problem, but whether or not they build an efficient, scalable solution is based on how they approach the problem. Since the basis of programming is logic and creativity, all programming languages require these two feats. Predrag is a very experienced software developer/architect with over 20 years of experience in back-end projects, web applications, and mathematical modeling.

.Net Developer: Roles & Responsibilities, Skills, Salary, And More

Developers who enjoy what they do can’t wait to buy the next Apress book and learn about the newest technology. A great developer approaches the craft with humility, realizing that our brains are woefully inadequate for the task at hand. These devs will listen to others and collaborate to arrive at optimal solutions.

  • Moreover, a .NET professional must be familiar with Azure services, including databases, containers, governance, storage, and Windows virtual desktops.
  • Databases play a vital role in any web application development project.
  • We have collected a team of experienced dot NET developers to assist you and work on your project.
  • And you should also know how to use SpecFlow which is used to automate all the tests in the .NET project.
  • Using .Net Razor, you will be in the forefront of Microsoft’s leading-edge web development platform.
  • It is also valuable to have passes plain exams, even if the candidate didn’t continue on the path to certification.
  • This resume template is suitable for experienced hires or mid-level hires.

But to accomplish this, enterprises  have to hire a .NET developer that is skilled in both .NET and .NET Core technology framework. A backend .NET developer is just a programmer who uses the .NET programming language to build various useful business logic for information systems and software applications. A backend developer is also responsible to maintain communication between the database and the frontend of the software application in a very organized manner.

Ready to skill upyour entire team?

A candidate’s best proof of quality is their commercial experience and references. The .NET platform supports many languages, like C#, Visual Basic .NET, F#, and C++ .NET. What a lot of technical recruiters don’t realize is that screening involves more than glancing through a resume.

.net razor developer skills

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